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arahne Tag

New gradient tools in ArahPaint6

ArahPaint6 has a new gradient function, that you can use with any drawing tool, from freehand drawing, draw line, polygon, arc, curve, bezier, circle, ellipse, rectangle, square, fill tool, spray. To use it, select any of the drawing tools, increase the pen size, choose one of...


ArahWeave software now also in Portuguese

Arahne software is already translated into 17 different languages: Bulgarian, Catalan, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish. We make it easier for our clients around the globe, to use the software in their mother tongue. Multilingual...


Tapestry made in ArahWeave

Iza Sojka from MOST http://themost.pl, a decorative textile studio, is developing interesting and beautiful tapestries with ArahWeave, woven at Textus https://textus.pl/ You can see the initial picture, weave selection in ArahWeave with fabric simulation, and the resulting actual fabric. [caption id="attachment_6328" align="alignleft" width="358"]  Artwork: Sanbashi no Onna...