Our program employs Unicode UTF-8 encoding by default to ensure that each user can construct filenames that include both standard and special characters from their native language. To use it with ArahPaint, however, you must enable Unicode UTF-8 encoding on your Windows operating system. Microsoft allows you to specify UTF-8 as the system ANSI code page (ACP) starting with Windows 1903 (March 2019 release). Enabling Unicode UTF-8 also allows for file exchange between different operating systems, server computers, and cloud storage. You will find the instructions for configuring UTF-8 here.
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Düzgün yüklediyseniz, masaüstünüzde, ArahDrape, ArahWeave ve ArahPaint'inizde üç yeni simge olmalıdır. Bunları menüye eklemek için bu talimatları izleyin.