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new features Tag

Set metric or imperial units in ArahPaint6

You can now choose between metric or imperial units directly in ArahPaint. Most of the settings for ArahPaint6, such as units, language, and default image file location can be set in ArahWeave software. However, many users only use ArahPaint software independently, therefore we have added the...


Arahne software updates 2021

It's time to upgrade your Arahne software to the latest version and get all the fancy new features! In the previous year, we have made significant improvements, bug fixes, and new functions in ArahWeave, ArahPaint6, ArahDrape, and ArahView3D. Due to the requirement from our customers to...


Create a pattern in repeat with overlapping motifs in ArahPaint6

Easily create an image in repeat with overlapping motifs with the new function "Browse repeat image". Previously we have already introduced this function for "Drawing in repeat" and is now also available for working with layers (Tools > Repeat layer). Simply load a two-colored 8-bit...


Use pattern in repeat to generate a pattern

With the new Browse repeat image function in the Drawing in repeat window, you can create pattern from a pattern! Simply load the 8-bit pattern image in repeat and let the software generate the same pattern out of the motif in the main window. 1. Load a...


Reduce sampling waste with Load parallel function in ArahWeave

Load parallel function in ArahWeave allows you to load several different designs parallel to each other and weave them in one piece. The point of this function is to reduce sampling waste. During the sampling process, you might have to weave several different designs. Weaving sample...


New file selection dialog in ArahWeave and ArahDrape

With the new file selection dialog, working in ArahWeave and ArahDrape is even faster and more convenient. The file selection dialog has been improved significantly. Many new features were added, such as: "Breadcrumbs" change directory system. Simply click on the path to change the directory in...


Add border to the image in ArahPaint6

Feeling creative with the borders? In ArahPaint6 you can create a border out of the selected image and place it on the right, left, top, bottom side of the main image or all sides at once.   [video width="1080" height="1080" mp4="https://www.arahne.si/wp-content/uploads/ArahPaint6border.mp4"][/video]             ...


Enhance fabric simulation with textures in ArahWeave CAD

We are constantly developing our software, so you can design realistic and ready to weave fabrics as easily and fast as possible. We recently added new textures to ArahWeave CAD, which you can use to enhance the look of the fabric simulation. Give your fabric the...


Chenille, mohair yarn simulation in ArahWeave

With new function enhancement in ArahWeave, you can create a chenille and mohair yarn simulation in Yarn window. First select the type of yarn (Simple, Mouliné, Mélange, Multicolor, Custom) that you want to use in the fabric, and then select the desired effect by setting...