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CAD software Tag

Use mirror diagonal to easily create corners from the image in ArahPaint6

Create corners and other different patterns using mirror diagonal function. You can diagonally mirror the image, layers or selection on the image in four different directions. Try it now! Download the latest version of ArahPaint 6 here.     [video width="1080" height="1080" mp4="https://www.arahne.si/wp-content/uploads/ArahPaint6-Mirror-Diagonal.mp4"][/video]     How to use it?   Load an...


Chenille, mohair yarn simulation in ArahWeave

With new function enhancement in ArahWeave, you can create a chenille and mohair yarn simulation in Yarn window. First select the type of yarn (Simple, Mouliné, Mélange, Multicolor, Custom) that you want to use in the fabric, and then select the desired effect by setting...


Arahne Software Updates 2020

One year is around and new software features are ready for you to start using them. Despite COVID-19 restrictions, our office remained open the whole time and function normally, so we were able to work on software, fix old bugs, and develop new features. Some of...


Easy Dobby Blanket Design

In ArahWeave CAD we created a new Dobby Blanket. Comparing to the previous version, it is much easier to use and it offers additional functions, that will let you work with them fast and easier. In the new Dobby Blanket you can: load any yarn from...


Set sRGB, AdobeRGB or Arahne’s screen color matching in ArahWeave

ArahWeave 9.3k has a new setting in screen color matching: you can choose between Arahne's color matching, sRGB and AdobeRGB (by default screen color matching is set to Arahne's): Arahne's color matching: sRGB color matching: AdobeRGB color matching: The setting affects colors with CIE Lab values, like PANTONE or...


Easily design fabric in different color variants

Variants function is a very useful and easy-to-use tool for making different color variants for your fabric design. You can make up to 500 different color variants for weft, warp, or warp&weft, and store them in one file. Recently we added a few new functions,...


MacBean Tartan Design

MacBean Tartan, a cloth that traveled to the moon and back! Astronaut Alan Bean, took a piece of his Scottish clan MacBean tartan cloth up to the moon, during his Apollo 12 mission in 1969.  Alan Bean: “The MacBean tartan remained on ‘Intrepid’ during our...