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New tool for marking weaves with errors in ArahWeave

We developed a special tool in ArahWeave's Weave browser, which marks the weaves with errors with high probability.  The program assumes there's errors on the weaves by  calculating the statistics of long floats: how many floats of one, floats of 2, floats of 3...


New PANTONE® colors in ArahWeave

PANTONE® has just introduced 175 new colors to the PANTONE FASHION, HOME + INTERIORS Color System. The 98 new colors are nicknamed "New age pastels", while the remaining 77 are called "The Shadows". The total number of colors is now 2801. Now you can use...


Set the date format in Arahne software

In ArahWeave, ArahDrape and ArahPaint you can now set custom date format. You can set the following: the order of date elements (date, month, year) display month name or month number display full year or the last two digits display day and month with or without...


Rotation in repeat in ArahWeave

In ArahWeave you can now rotate an image at an angle in seamless repeat! It's not as simple as it sounds to rotate an image at a specific angle and maintaining the repeat at the same time. Our colleague Anton did his homework and calculated all...


Updated tutorial: Making shaft damask with ArahWeave

We always strive to allow our customers to create their fabric designs efficiently and fast. By adding new functions and tools, we also need to update our tutorials. We have updated one really old shaft damask tutorial so that we showcase the new tools in...


Copy and paste thread pattern, fabric technical data, and variants

In ArahWeave we have added a very useful copy/paste function in several windows. You can copy and paste jacquard image, weaves, fabric image printouts, production cards, selvedge weaves. We have added the copy/paste function also in the following windows: Thread pattern Consumption Variants   You can copy...


New file selection dialog in ArahWeave and ArahDrape

With the new file selection dialog, working in ArahWeave and ArahDrape is even faster and more convenient. The file selection dialog has been improved significantly. Many new features were added, such as: "Breadcrumbs" change directory system. Simply click on the path to change the directory in...