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ArahWeave CAD Tag

Set the position of windows in ArahWeave

Nothing is more satisfying than having a tidy working desk and everything in its own place, preferably all the time. In ArahWeave you can now save the default position of the windows you work in. Every time you open ArahWeave, the position of the windows will...


Updated tutorial: Making shaft damask with ArahWeave

We always strive to allow our customers to create their fabric designs efficiently and fast. By adding new functions and tools, we also need to update our tutorials. We have updated one really old shaft damask tutorial so that we showcase the new tools in...


Copy and paste thread pattern, fabric technical data, and variants

In ArahWeave we have added a very useful copy/paste function in several windows. You can copy and paste jacquard image, weaves, fabric image printouts, production cards, selvedge weaves. We have added the copy/paste function also in the following windows: Thread pattern Consumption Variants   You can copy...


Copy-paste weave and image in ArahWeave

Copy-paste is a very useful function, and we added it to ArahWeave in several windows. Now you can copy/paste images and weaves. We added the copy/paste function in the: main weave editor double weave editor jacquard conversion (for jacquard image and for selected weave) saving...


ArahWeave software now also in Portuguese

Arahne software is already translated into 17 different languages: Bulgarian, Catalan, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish. We make it easier for our clients around the globe, to use the software in their mother tongue. Multilingual...


Color profile for ArahWeave on Epson SureColor SC-P900 printer

We made a color profile for ArahWeave on an Epson SureColor SC-P900 printer that has 10 different inks. This means we will get much better results with colors on the printed fabric simulations. The fantastic color gamut of the printer, allow us to print PANTONE...


Design irregular herringbone in ArahWeave CAD

Irregular effects on the fabric can make your product look more interesting, fun, and unique. In this new tutorial, we show how to design an irregular herringbone, using a combination of weave and image. In the first part of the tutorial, you will learn how to use...