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texture mapping Tag

Set the date format in Arahne software

In ArahWeave, ArahDrape and ArahPaint you can now set custom date format. You can set the following: the order of date elements (date, month, year) display month name or month number display full year or the last two digits display day and month with or without...


New features in Arahne software

As customary at the beginning of every year, we prepared a short document presenting a selection of new features developed from January 2022 till January 2023. New features have been developed in ArahWeave and ArahPaint. In ArahWeave you will find support and improvements for new textile...


ArahDrape step-by-step tutorial

Check out this new tutorial with step-by-step instructions on how to create a drape project in ArahDrape texture mapping software. Starting from the model image, drawing regions, setting the size, applying texture, and setting the shading and 3D grid to make the fabric on the...


Arahne software updates 2021

It's time to upgrade your Arahne software to the latest version and get all the fancy new features! In the previous year, we have made significant improvements, bug fixes, and new functions in ArahWeave, ArahPaint6, ArahDrape, and ArahView3D. Due to the requirement from our customers to...


New file selection dialog in ArahWeave and ArahDrape

With the new file selection dialog, working in ArahWeave and ArahDrape is even faster and more convenient. The file selection dialog has been improved significantly. Many new features were added, such as: "Breadcrumbs" change directory system. Simply click on the path to change the directory in...


ArahWeave manual translated to Italian

Arahne's customers are from different continents and countries all around the world, from Europe, Asia, North Africa, South America to USA. Our programs are already translated into 16 different languages (Bulgarian, Catalan, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional characters), Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Macedonian, Polish,...


MacBean Tartan Design

MacBean Tartan, a cloth that traveled to the moon and back! Astronaut Alan Bean, took a piece of his Scottish clan MacBean tartan cloth up to the moon, during his Apollo 12 mission in 1969.  Alan Bean: “The MacBean tartan remained on ‘Intrepid’ during our...