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Goodbye Ottavio Missoni, thank you for all the patterns

As you may know, famous Italian knitwear designer Ottavio Missoni has passed away yesterday. Although his work started in knits, and we are in wovens, his eye catching joyful designs are instantly recognizable, much like a style of a modern artist. We feel connected to...


Arahne software on Windows using VMware

Many Windows users would like to try the demo of Arahne software which natively runs on Linux, but don't want to install Linux. There is an easy way for you to run Arahne DEMO software on Windows. We have prepared a virtual machine (VMware) with Linux and...


Say goodbye to floppies

Do you remember paper cards for jacquard, and the revolution of first electronic jacquard, which supported floppies? That was over 20 years ago, most large mills now use network to transfer designs, while some smaller ones are stuck with once cute 3,5'' floppies. [vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no"...


ArahPaint5 for Windows available for download

We are pleased to announce the availability of ArahPaint5 for Windows. If you are an Arahne's jacquard customer, you probably know ArahPaint. Linux customers are using ArahPaint4.1, it is an older version based on Qt 3.4. We have now ported the program to new version...


Italian and Turkish Quick Start Manuals

Italian and Turkish translations of the Quick Start manuals are ready. Thanks to Mr. Sabri Sever for Turkish translations, and to Mr. Antonio Danzo for Italian gramatical corrections. [vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" text_align="left" background_animation="none" css_animation="" el_class="postTextImg"][vc_column width="1/2"][vc_column_text]Italian and Turkish translations of the Quick Start manuals are...


Quick Start Manuals

Get up and running quickly with ArahWeave! We have published the Quick Start Manuals. There are two separate notebooks available for download, one for dobby and one for jacquard. You will find all the steps, needed to design a fabric, explained and illustrated. [vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width"...


Arahne at the Rajamangala University in Thailand

We are honored that Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin from Salaya, Thailand has chosen Arahne software. Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin (RMUTR) was established in 2005 as one of nine universities named Rajamangala University of Technology (RMUT). [vc_row row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" text_align="left" background_animation="none" css_animation=""][vc_column][vc_row_inner row_type="row" type="full_width" use_row_as_full_screen_section_slide="no" text_align="left" css_animation=""...


Grassi pioneers header and footer on every roll of fabric

Tessitura Fratelli Grassi from Vertova, north of Bergamo, Italy, is an innovative family run contract weaving mill. The huge variety of the fabrics they weave, sparkled an idea in the young son of the third generation weaver, Diego Grassi. Instead of pasting or drawing labels to the...