Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj

Arahne Software Updates 2020

Arahne Software Updates 2020

One year is around and new software features are ready for you to start using them.

Despite COVID-19 restrictions, our office remained open the whole time and function normally, so we were able to work on software, fix old bugs, and develop new features. Some of the new features include new blanket editors, new filters in Browser for searching the files, new PANTONE digital color card, different screen color matching systems, ruler on the printout, new functions in Variants window, and many more.

The selection of the new features and explanations on how to use them is presented in this short document.

You can download the latest version of ArahPaint6 from our website:
If you are interested in updating ArahWeave CAD to the latest version and receiving the yearly support, write us to our E-mail: arahne@arahne.si