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Il software ArahWeave ora anche in portoghese

Arahne software is already translated into 17 different languages: Bulgarian, Catalan, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Macedonian, Polish, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, Thai, and Turkish. We make it easier for our clients around the globe, to use the software in their mother tongue. Multilingual...


Arazzo realizzato in ArahWeave

Iza Sojka from MOST http://themost.pl, a decorative textile studio, is developing interesting and beautiful tapestries with ArahWeave, woven at Textus https://textus.pl/ You can see the initial picture, weave selection in ArahWeave with fabric simulation, and the resulting actual fabric. [caption id="attachment_6328" align="alignleft" width="358"]  Artwork: Sanbashi no Onna...


Nuovo prodotto da Arahne: ArahWeave Selvedge Edition

We are excited to introduce a new product for the design and weaving of name selvedges, ArahWeave Selvedge Edition. The jacquard looms for name selvedges are narrow, so the selvedge edition supports up to 1024 hooks and 8219 wefts. Output format is limited to Stäubli...


Aggiornamenti del software Arahne 2021

It's time to upgrade your Arahne software to the latest version and get all the fancy new features! In the previous year, we have made significant improvements, bug fixes, and new functions in ArahWeave, ArahPaint6, ArahDrape, and ArahView3D. Due to the requirement from our customers to...


Disegna spina di pesce irregolare in ArahWeave CAD

Irregular effects on the fabric can make your product look more interesting, fun, and unique. In this new tutorial, we show how to design an irregular herringbone, using a combination of weave and image. In the first part of the tutorial, you will learn how to use...


Create straordinari effetti visivi in ArahPaint6

Create a stunning visual effect by superimposing an image layer on the pattern. To create an image in ArahPaint6, you require: - an image of a pattern in repeat for background - an image that you want to lay over the background pattern (in this case lion head) -...


Nuovo dialogo per la selezione di file in ArahWeave e ArahDrape

With the new file selection dialog, working in ArahWeave and ArahDrape is even faster and more convenient. The file selection dialog has been improved significantly. Many new features were added, such as: "Breadcrumbs" change directory system. Simply click on the path to change the directory in...