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cadsoftware Tag

ArahPaint6 tradotto in persiano (farsi)

ArahPaint6 jacquard drawing program is now also available in Persian (Farsi), thanks to Bert Pols and Hamidreza Ghabraee of Stäubli. The Mac version still keeps menu orientation left to right, while on Linux and Windows version, the menus also follow right to left direction of writing....


Nuova collezione di pieghe in ArahWeave

A new collection of wrinkles is now available for your use! We have gathered over 90 distinct wrinkle images for you to use in your fabric simulation. What is the purpose of wrinkles? If you want to add a final impact to your fabric simulation, such as hair,...


Nuove funzionalità nel software Arahne

As customary at the beginning of every year, we prepared a short document presenting a selection of new features developed from January 2022 till January 2023. New features have been developed in ArahWeave and ArahPaint. In ArahWeave you will find support and improvements for new textile...


Imposta la posizione delle finestre in ArahWeave

Nothing is more satisfying than having a tidy working desk and everything in its own place, preferably all the time. In ArahWeave you can now save the default position of the windows you work in. Every time you open ArahWeave, the position of the windows will...


Il manuale utente di ArahPaint è tradotto in cinese

The new translation of the ArahPaint User's Manual in simplified and traditional Chinese is ready! The manual consists of around 110 pages and contains 205 screenshots from ArahPaint software. As you already know by now, our software is translated into 18 languages, and we try to...