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ArahWeave CAD Tag

Nuova collezione di armature digitalizzata!

We have digitized a new collection of weaves from a book "Colecciones de Dibujos para Tejidos" by Hermias Busqué Gisbert, published in 1897, Tarrasa in Spain. We added the entire collection to our existing weave library, which already has over 44.000 weaves. This project took us...


Simulazione di filato singolo nella stampa del tessuto ArahWeave

In the ArahWeave fabric printout, we added the option to show a single yarn simulation under yarn colors. Previously, ArahWeave could only show the colors that are present in the yarn. For example, in multicolored yarn, we use one primary color and squeeze the remaining...


Nuovi colori PANTONE® in ArahWeave

PANTONE® has just introduced 175 new colors to the PANTONE FASHION, HOME + INTERIORS Color System. The 98 new colors are nicknamed "New age pastels", while the remaining 77 are called "The Shadows". The total number of colors is now 2801. Now you can use...


Scopri le nuove funzionalità del software Arahne

We issued a new short document containing a selection of new features developed throughout the last year, from January 2023 to January 2024. You will find new interesting functions in ArahWeave and ArahPaint software that will help you with your design and weaving processes. In ArahWeave...