Evropski sklad za regionalni razvoj

Arahne CAD/CAM for weaving

Design – Weave – Show

Software CAD/CAM ottimizzato per il disegno e
la produzione di tessuti a ratiera e jacquard.

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Software CAD/CAM per tessuti

Disegna realistici tessuti a ratiera e jacquard pronti per la produzione e tessili grazie al supporto alle specifiche del telaio. Una soluzione software integrata CAD/CAM per l'industria tessile, le manifatture, i converter, gli studi di design e le scuole.


Software per il disegno e l'editing delle immagini

Crea motivi senza giunzioni e disegna con la stessa densità del
tessuto utilizzando tool standard per il disegno e funzionalità
avanzate: uno stimolo per la tua creatività.


Software per il texture mapping

Decora in un attimo ogni tipo di modello con qualunque tipo di texture. Una soluzione semplice per i disegnatori tessili che vogliono testare i loro progetti sul prodotto finale e per i web designer e rivenditori che presentano e vendono i loro prodotti online.

Prova le funzionalità di ArahDrape con il nostro configuratore



Nella nostra galleria potrai scoprire splendidi disegni di tessuti per la camiceria, l'abbigliamento uomo, i tendaggi, le coperte, la cravatteria, le sciarpe e molto altro. Tutti i motivi sono stati creati con ArahWeave e ArahPaint.

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We are the MOST, a decorative fabrics studio. Our passionate team of designers and technologists make, manufacture, deliver and launch printed and jacquard textiles.

I’m the person responsible for processing the designers needs into the jacquard weaves. In the beginning we were quite disappointed with the results of our work. A lot of expensive but unsatisfying samples, wrong colours, distorted patterns and so on. It was essential to have more control on our production.

I must admit everything changed when I started to prepare our fabrics in ArahWeave: we gained the full control on the weaving process without even seeing looms. The most important features of the application for me: amazing performance, great working function of scaling pictures for different weaving densities, brilliant instant visualizations, preview of the colours of the used weaves, lots of useful tips, like information about weaves indivisible per design size, fantastic weave builder, the best user manual, I’ve ever read, the Weft blanket option, which allows to put different fabrics with even different densities to be weaved as one piece. And maybe the most important: unbelievable user assistance - these guys rescued my projects so many times, and patiently answered to all my questions.

Frankly, I cannot imagine my work now without ArahWeave. You can quite reasonably demand impossible.

Iza Sojka

“ArahWeave ha cambiato il mio modo di concepire i tessuti.
Mi ha permesso di realizzare tessuti che avevo visto solo sui libri di scuola.
ArahWeave e ArahPaint hanno rinnovato il mio entusiasmo creativo.
Non ringrazierò mai abbastanza chi mi ha consigliato il Vostro CAD”

Alessandro Bacci

We are the MOST, a decorative fabrics studio. Our passionate team of designers and technologists make, manufacture, deliver and launch printed and jacquard textiles.

I’m the person responsible for processing the designers needs into the jacquard weaves. In the beginning we were quite disappointed with the results of our work. A lot of expensive but unsatisfying samples, wrong colours, distorted patterns and so on. It was essential to have more control on our production.

I must admit everything changed when I started to prepare our fabrics in ArahWeave: we gained the full control on the weaving process without even seeing looms. The most important features of the application for me: amazing performance, great working function of scaling pictures for different weaving densities, brilliant instant visualizations, preview of the colours of the used weaves, lots of useful tips, like information about weaves indivisible per design size, fantastic weave builder, the best user manual, I’ve ever read, the Weft blanket option, which allows to put different fabrics with even different densities to be weaved as one piece. And maybe the most important: unbelievable user assistance - these guys rescued my projects so many times, and patiently answered to all my questions.

Frankly, I cannot imagine my work now without ArahWeave. You can quite reasonably demand impossible.

Iza Sojka