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Easily generate random weaves in ArahPaint

Create large random weaves using special Random function in ArahPaint6. It's easy and it's fast! Use the random weave structures in ArahWeave to create interesting patterns on the fabric simulation. Check the video and see how it is done! ArahPaint6 is available for free download here:...


ArahWeave and ArahDrape supported in Mac OS Catalina

Dear Mac users, we finally landed on the shores of Catalina and settled on its land! After months of struggle,  64-bit ArahWeave and ArahDrape are ready&working. Users of Mac OS Catalina operating system can now begin working with ArahWeave and ArahDrape on their computers. Customers with valid...


Ask for your own customized fabric technical datasheet

Producers of different fabrics require different fabric technical datasheet. If you are making a shawl, your technical datasheet will look different than the one for making blankets. In ArahWeave you can already make a technical datasheet using HTML, but it has its limitations and can...


ArahWeave has new PANTONE® FASHION, HOME + INTERIORS colors

Today PANTONE introduced the addition of 315 new colors to PANTONE® FASHION, HOME + INTERIORS. The users of ArahWeave CAD get them from day 1. You will get the new PANTONE® FASHION, HOME + INTERIORS colors,  if you have the valid yearly support. If you don't...


Lapland University from Finland working with ArahWeave

Lapland University from Rovaniemi in Finland has been learning and creating beautiful designs in ArahWeave CAD for weaving on Digital Weaving Norway jacquard handloom. By using CAD they easily colaborate with local textile industries, like Lapuan Kankurit. It is inspiring to see that students and...


Arahne’s agent in Uzbekistan

We are pleased to introduce our new agent from Uzbekistan, Mr. Khamidjon Isomov, General Director at  ISOMY GROUP LLC. Contact info: ISOMY GROUP LLC  I  Vobkent Ds, Yangihayat Str, 75 Bukhara-Uzbekistan Mobile:+998993879610 Office: +998973005111 E-mail: hamid_isomov@mail.ru www.isomygroup.uz We are delighted to have Mr. Khamidjon Isomov in our team....


Digital Fabric Catalogue on a Tablet

Tesktina company decided for modern, convenient and simple seasonal fabric collection presentation and placing of the order. We made for them the fabric catalogue on a tablet, for customer to browse among different catalogues and coupons, and place the order on the spot. The Digital Fabric...


NEW Arahne Software Updates 2019

ONE YEAR HAS PASSED AND NEW ARAHNE SOFTWARE UPDATES ARE OUT AGAIN! ? We prepared a short document, presenting a selection of interesting new features, that will make your work even easier. New features include new loom and drawing-in machine support, import yarn parameters and yarn...


New function in ArahPaint6: Autosave image

In ArahPaint6 we added a new function: Autosave image. Up to 10 images can be stored automatically, additional ones will be overwritten. In case the software crashes during image design, or any other misfortune, you can stay calm and load the last automatically saved image,...