Find the closest color in different color libraries
Our client is using the Chinese CNCS color library and wants to use color 120 45 07.
We only have PANTONE® for fashion and home, and we need to know, which is the closest color.
Open ArahWeave and choose Fabric > Colors from the main menu.
In color editor, go to Choose and select the color library, from which you picked your color;
for example the CNCS.
If you have CIE Lab values, you can enter those. You can also use the Lab values to make your own color library in ArahWeave. Measure your yarns with a color measurement instrument, for instance Spectrolino, and input the values.
Find the color by entering the code, which is written next to the color patch in your color library.
Copy and paste the color into the warp palette, under the letter “A”. Copying and pasting is the same as in all Arahne programs:
SELECT – left mouse click, PASTE – right mouse click.
In the menu, go to Choose and select the color library you wish to use, for example the PANTONE® for fashion and home – paper.
In the menu, go to Change > Find closest color.
This will select the closest color. A small window will appear, informing you about the color difference between the two colors. The information on the picture bellow tells you that the Flint stone PANTONE® color is lighter and bluer than the 120 45 07 CNCS color.